Saturday, March 20, 2010

Why Should I Colon Cleanse?

Health articles

Why, suddenly, is colon cleansing (detoxification) grown to be so needed? Many argue that our grandparents did not use colon cleansers and survived quite well.

The answer is clear-cut: The time have altered. Our consumption habits have changed and our food intake has changed radically since the days of old. Our grandparents and parents previous to them, lived in a healthy diet high in fiber from whole foods like fresh vegetables and fruits abundant in nature.

Our consumption of food in today's rushed, the modern world is very diverse. Today there are precious natural fiber in the diet consumed - and a diet high in fiber is essential if you want to keep your colon works efficiently.

About 90 percent of the food we consume daily is processed or refined in some way. These highly refined foods (including sugar and flour) makes us extremely susceptible to severe intestinal problems.

More than six thousand chemicals are used to process food

That's a pretty frightening statistic, but it happens to be accurate. The food we eat every day is refining, genetic engineering, canned, light - and is treated with a mixture of pesticides, chemicals and hormones. That means that not only eat forage very little to promote healthy bowel function, but constant chemicals, preservatives and dyes that we eat also have a devastating effect on the tract. Tract is why everyone should take regular colon cleansing very seriously.

Toxic poisons

What happens when the colon is sluggish or constipated? This translates into toxic poison that grow as the result of the multiplication of bacteria when foods travel too slowly through the intestines during the evacuation process. These toxins then enter the bloodstream through the colon. That's why chronic constipation is a risk as dangerous to health.

So, in conclusion, what is the most hazardous threat to your colon alone? As we have seen, the answer is, of course, your diet. Depending on your day by day food intake, low fiber, high-processed, refined and chemically laced food intake is a serious health risk. In today's modern world, we are actually poisoning ourselves slowly every day. So a point of checking food labels to see what chemicals and preservatives they contain. And start to introduce more fiber into your diet. Eat as much fresh fruit, vegetables and whole grains as feasible.

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